COVID-19 Policies

Last Updated: January 18, 2023

The organizers of DrupalCamp NJ want to ensure that the event is safe and fun for all those in attendance. We will be adhering to all Princeton University guidance at a minimum. Note that this may change as we approach the camp, and the current university guidance can always be found on the Environmental Health and Safety site.

The organizers of DrupalCamp NJ will:

  1. Require that attendees:
    • Be fully vaccinated for COVID-19, be prepared to show proof of vaccination, and follow the policy for masks in effect at the time of their visit OR  
    • Have a negative test for COVID-19 via PCR within 72 hours before the start of the scheduled visit or via rapid antigen test within 8 hours before the start of the scheduled visit and be prepared to show proof of the negative test OR 
    • Agree to wear a mask at all times when indoors. These individuals cannot remove their masks inside of University buildings, including to eat or drink.
  2. Provide access to face coverings and encourage attendees to wear them in common spaces when not eating/drinking.
  3. Provide access to alcohol-based hand gel.
  4. Maintain a list of attendees for at least two weeks to assist with contact tracing if a positive COVID-19 case is reported by an attendee.

Additionally, we are looking into building Corsi-Rosenthal box filters again for every room used for sessions, trainings, sprints, etc. Evidence suggests that these reduce the amount of potential viral particles.