McDonnell - 103A en Securing Drupal's Auto-Update Infrastructure <span>Securing Drupal's Auto-Update Infrastructure</span> <span><a title="View user profile." href="">pwolanin</a></span> <span>Thu, 01/30/2020 - 10:39</span> <div class="layout layout--threecol-25-50-25"> <div class="layout__region layout__region--top"> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--first"> <div><time datetime="2020-01-31T20:00:00Z">Fri, 01/31/2020 - 15:00</time> - <time datetime="2020-01-31T20:45:00Z">Fri, 01/31/2020 - 15:45</time></div> <div> <h2>Room</h2> <li><a href="" hreflang="en">McDonnell - 103A</a></li> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--second"> <div><p>The #1 reason site administrators desire auto-update support is security. Yet, automatically replacing the code of a site from a remote source creates its own security risks. In this presentation, we will present the security design for Drupal's auto-update infrastructure. From offline root keys to verification on PHP 5.x, we've balanced strength, flexibility, and compatibility to deliver a system that can support the project's future without neglecting its legacy.</p></div> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--third"> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--bottom"> </div> </div> Thu, 30 Jan 2020 15:39:32 +0000 pwolanin 3405 at All things HAX <span>All things HAX</span> <span><a title="View user profile." href="">btopro</a></span> <span>Thu, 01/23/2020 - 17:02</span> <div class="layout layout--threecol-25-50-25"> <div class="layout__region layout__region--top"> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--first"> <div><time datetime="2020-01-31T18:45:00Z">Fri, 01/31/2020 - 13:45</time> - <time datetime="2020-01-31T19:30:00Z">Fri, 01/31/2020 - 14:30</time></div> <div> <h2>Room</h2> <li><a href="" hreflang="en">McDonnell - 103A</a></li> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--second"> <div><p><a href="">Headless Authoring eXperience</a> (HAX) is a web component based text editor that works across multiple versions of Drupal and beyond. Let's get together to help work through any questions people have associated with HAX, how it works, road map, how to extend it, how to get started, what platforms it supports and where it needs to go to better meet the needs of the community. Members of the core team will be on hand to facilitate discussion, show sites built in HAX / HAXcms and answer questions.</p></div> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--third"> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--bottom"> </div> </div> Thu, 23 Jan 2020 22:02:12 +0000 btopro 3403 at How to prevent losing money resulting from poor pre-sales scoping <span>How to prevent losing money resulting from poor pre-sales scoping</span> <span><a title="View user profile." href="">vasilyyaremchuk</a></span> <span>Sat, 12/21/2019 - 10:58</span> <div class="layout layout--threecol-25-50-25"> <div class="layout__region layout__region--top"> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--first"> <div><time datetime="2020-01-31T21:00:00Z">Fri, 01/31/2020 - 16:00</time> - <time datetime="2020-01-31T21:45:00Z">Fri, 01/31/2020 - 16:45</time></div> <div> <h2>Room</h2> <li><a href="" hreflang="en">McDonnell - 103A</a></li> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--second"> <div><h2 dir="ltr">Discussion topics</h2> <ul><li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">Clients expect discovery to be done for free without realizing how it affects scoping quality and subsequent delivery quality. </p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">Clients collect pitches and force multiple shops doing the same scoping effort for them upfront. </p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">How can we consistently sell discovery? </p> <ul><li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">Holistic estimating to set projects up for success? </p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">Poor scoping is a double-edge sword that doesn’t only damage provider business, but also trickles down to client. </p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">Paid discovery as a risk management tool. </p> </li> </ul></li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">How can we improve the market environment where discovery is expected to cost money, regardless of what shop clients go with? </p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">What is discovery-done-right? </p> <ul><li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">What should the result of discovery look like?</p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">Prototyping as part of discovery?</p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">What is the required level of detail in discovery?</p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">Grades of discovery: what should be done for free and what needs to be paid? </p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">Value engineering in discovery.</p> </li> </ul></li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">Terms to rebrand discovery, make it sound more useful? </p> <ul><li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">Solution Engineering</p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">Sprint Zero</p> </li> </ul></li> </ul><h2 dir="ltr">Who will be interested? </h2> <ul><li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">Feels like this is a global topic that should attract both engineers and business. Solution Engineers, Sales, Founders, Producers/PMs.</p> </li> </ul></div> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--third"> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--bottom"> </div> </div> Sat, 21 Dec 2019 15:58:44 +0000 vasilyyaremchuk 3396 at